
How to Submit

Three conference contribution types are allowed:

  • Regular Abstracts for Oral or Poster Presentation: after a preliminary review of the abstract, authors will be invited to submit a full paper version of the contribution to be reviewed for acceptance as either Oral or Poster presentation and publication in the Conference Proceedings. The deadline was January 30, 2024.
  • Regular Abstract for Poster-only Presentation: in this case, no further full paper is requested, and the abstract will appear in the Book of Abstracts only. The deadline is April 15, 2024.
    The Abstract must follow the same format as Abstracts for Oral presentations (please use the template provided here below). The only requirement for poster preparation is a size not exceeding the A0 size and Portrait orientation.
  • Round-Table/Mini-Workshop contributions: to propose a theme of discussion with a special dedicated session and contributions. No further full paper is requested. The deadline was January 30, 2024.

Please, follow this link to register and get access to the submission form.

After registration, to access your dashboard page please use this link.

Abstracts can be submitted both by using the available form and/or as pdf or docx document format following the available templates:
docx template for abstracts
pdf template for abstracts

Full-length papers of accepted abstracts for oral presentation can be submitted as MS Word files with .docx extension following the available template:
docx template for a full-length paper
To submit the paper, please log in to your dashboard page and upload it as a new abstract/full paper. The procedure is fully identical to submitting a new abstract and the receipt will inform you that a new abstract has been uploaded, even in the case of a full paper submission.

Upload will be allowed from March 4 to April 15.

Registered participants can access full-length papers by following this link.

Conference Topics

  • Stirling engines prototype development and testing
  • Renewable applications of Stirling engines
  • Waste heat recovery systems
  • Co-generation systems: micro-CHP
  • Stirling refrigerators and cryocoolers
  • Stirling heat pumps
  • Space applications of Stirling machines
  • Transport applications of Stirling machines
  • Stirling engines in hybrid co-generation systems
  • Heat transfer / fluid flow analysis
  • Thermodynamic modelling and CFD simulation
  • Stress analysis/noise and vibration
  • Dynamics and kinematics
  • Advanced materials and manufacturing
  • Novel designs of drive mechanisms and configurations
  • Thermal receivers, combustors and heat exchangers
  • Regenerator and porous medium
  • Market opportunities and comparison with competitive renewable energy systems